Having heard whispers of a promising new shred-snack, I was pretty excited when Honey Stinger slid into my DM’s. Unfortunately, I was about to embark on my travels and so wouldn’t get a chance to try them. Luckily our trusty guest author Lucas stepped up to the plate. This is the official Honey Stinger waffles review…
Who Are Honey Stinger?
But first… Before I hand over the reigns, I should introduce you to Honey Stinger. No prizes for guessing their main focus though… (it’s honey).
Honey Stinger are a Colorado based company who specialize in making performance-focused nutritional goodies. They state that by avoiding artificial sugars, their snacks are able to keep you fuelled for hours – without the nasty “post-sugar crash“.
This feature would obviously benefit athletes in general, not just skiers and snowboarders. But the reason they’ve cropped up on my snowboarding radar the super stash-able nature of their products. Stick one in your jacket and you’re good to go!
What Products Do Honey Stinger Make?
They’re most famous for their Honey Stinger Waffles. Their ad below sort of tells you everything you need to know – they’re basically modelled after the original Dutch Stroopwafel. However, instead of sugar and caramel, they of course opted for honey.
Since they started out, Honey Stinger have branched out and now also make energy gels, hydration sachets, energy bars and even clothing.
Worth having a browse if you’re interested.
Which Products Did Lucas Test?
Honey Stinger were nice enough to send a selection of energy snacks, gels and waffles.
Is This A Paid Ad?
I wish! (joking of course)
Neither myself nor Lucas received any payment for this Honey Stinger waffles review. As with everything else on the site, we don’t accept sponsorships or paid posts. This review is entirely honest and as an independent site, we’re free to tell you what products we like (and don’t like).
The Honey Stinger Review: Lucas Rocksvold
After testing these energy snacks, gummies and gels, myself and my crew all had positive reviews. After a long day of skinning and riding I found that for my energy needs, a waffle about every mile was sufficient to keep my stomach off empty…

Using the gummies for a quike bite at every water break worked very well also. I don’t take any caffeine when exercising as it is a diuretic (makes you want to pee) and may lead to dehydration. The non-caffeinated gel was tasty and effective enough to keep my legs moving under fatigue.
Everyone has different nutritional needs, dialing it in takes some testing.
What About The Waffles?
The waffles are a smash hit. Every-one loved them. Great taste and texture.
Would You Recommend Honey Stinger Products?
It’s always hard eating at altitude, lack of appetite is very common up there. Snacks must be easy to eat and over-loaded with nutrition.
This line of products seems to have nailed it. With plenty of flavors to choose from, I will certainly bring these on my next adventure.
Any Downsides?
One thing I would like to see is biodegradable packaging. Snack wrappers can get away from you in high winds even when trying your best not to litter. If you could use the biodegradable wrapper as tissues that would be cool too. Everything on a climb should have more than one use!
Final Thoughts
Thanks to my extra testers for the feed-back. Ride-on
- Excellent customer reviews
- Great product range
- Founded and built in the USA
- The brand supports several charitable programs
- Super convenient products - for on the mountain, the bike or the gym.
✖️ Don't like honey? Probably not for you!
✖️ Can be slightly addictive (an expensive habit)