How To Get Sponsored By Redbull For Snowboarding

by Fraser

We can all agree that the dream for most people is to be paid for doing something they love.

Work sucks and most jobs are pretty boring. 


This is what makes the idea of being paid for something like snowboarding so appealing. 

One of the most tried and tested ways to get paid for snowboarding is by getting sponsored by a brand. Remember what we said when discussing how hard it is to become a pro snowboarder.

You’ve probably seen these athletes on social media, wearing branded gear whilst creating jaw-dropping content. One of the most sought after brands to work with is Red Bull. 

Why Riders Want To Be Sponsored By Redbull

Red Bull is often regarded as the gold standard when it comes to marketing and branding.

This is due to several factors but put in the simplest terms, it’s because despite essentially making a few variations of one product, most people recognise their brand.

The point here is that Red Bull is meticulous when it comes to its brand and is very selective about who they choose to work with. 

If you were an aspiring professional snowboarder wouldn’t you want the full weight of their marketing power behind you? 

Being Sponsored By Redbull For Snowboarding

Whilst plenty of brands out there sponsor athletes, in the world of extreme sports, few brands carry the same weight or recognition as Red Bull.

So, how do you secure this seemingly elusive and prestigious Red Bull sponsorship? 

Here’s how to get sponsored by Redbull for snowboarding:

1. Master Your Craft

On Red Bull’s roster, you’ll only find the best of the best. To catch their attention and get sponsored, you need to keep working at snowboarding and pushing your limits.

2. Build Your Own Brand

What sounds more appealing?

  • Helping someone to become a star
  • Building something mutually beneficial?

Hopefully, you answered the latter.

By building your own brand, you will become more attractive to brands like Red Bull. Start by showing what you’re capable of on social media. Don’t be pretentious or fake, just show your skills and how much you love snowboarding. 

Next, be professional in how you present yourself in all interactions. When you become sponsored by a brand, you are seen to represent that brand – so try to show that you would be a good fit for this responsibility.

3. Compete

Being visible at competitions is essential – remember what we said about being your best?

If you haven’t competed before, start small and find competitions that are within your skill level. It’s better to start small and build on a foundation of success. Once you start to grow in skill and confidence, try to enter Red Bull sponsored events as this will get you on their radar.

4. Network

The snowboarding community is actually pretty small.

So it’s important to network.

When you go to events, spend time on social media, or are in spaces with fellow snowboarders – network.

Introduce yourself and put your best foot forward. You never know who you could meet along the way – perhaps a Red Bull employee or athlete who can help you to achieve your goal?

5. Ask

Lastly, you can always try reaching out to Red Bull directly.

This is a ballsy approach and should only be done when you’re in a strong position (i.e. you’ve bagged some competitions, you’ve got a decent social following, and you’ve established yourself within the snowboarding community).


That’s pretty much all we can tell you I’m afraid. 

As you can see, there’s no clear route in and it ain’t gonna be easy! 

I do have a few more articles on becoming a pro – make sure to check those out too. 

Good luck!

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