Day 5: so the last couple of days the visibility has been pretty poor. Even with my special goggles. Today, especially, you couldn’t see much. But on the plus side, it has been snowing pretty consistently up around the top. When the skies go blue, it’s gonna be sick.
When the snow is bad, or the visibility is poor, I like to fall back on the park, which is what we’ve done the last couple of days. If it clears up – do a run. But if you can’t see, session some boxes.
This afternoon there was myself and Martin just lapping the park – with maybe a handful of other riders. Just about everyone else had gone home. It was an excellent session and the pint at the end was well deserved.
For sure my frontside boardslides are none existent, so I’ve been working on them. Also, I’ve started to hit the boxes switch, as I’m gonna need that for the tricks to come. And then there’s the S-Box setup that I’ve been wanting to stomp since I first rode past it.
Unfortunately there isn’t much to look at as there was no one to film and we only had a still camera in movie mode, but here are a few clips from the group hitting the boxes in the park: