Noboarding, Powdersurfing, this type of riding looks pretty awesome. Start by taking a look at this mini-documentary made by Jeremy Jensen from So Good!
But who’s it for?
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to spend time riding powder like this. I’m just wondering, how many people get the opportunity?
For holiday snowboarders, getting good powder days is often left to chance. Pack your gear, travel to a resort, and hope that you get some fresh while you’re there. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.
If you really like riding powder – you might have a longer, freeride board? Maybe you take two boards with you? If it’s dumped over night the first thing I’m think is: “is it deep enough to warrant taking out the pow stick?”
I’m not sure how Powdersurfing would work with in this situation?
It’s probably a similar situation for the weekend warriors out there. Similar, but not quite the same.
If you’re making (regular) weekend trips through the season, you’ve got a better idea of the snow conditions close to when you plan your time at the mountain. You might even ‘plan around’ the weather/conditions. Maybe there’s a little more scope to try something like this? Throw the powsurfer in the boot/trunk this time…
There’s still the time/ability question though. For many riders, putting turns down in powder is the smallest share of their overall riding. Consequently, they’re less practiced. In the beginning, you just want to be able to make proper turns in the deep stuff. Stop yourself from ragdolling or getting stuck.
Once you’ve progressed some – if you get one of those awesome powder days, you need to use it wisely. You can’t waste it. You want those face shots, or maybe you’re looking to drop a small rock or cliff. Slay something steep and achieve that feeling of surfing on your snowboard…
Can the holiday snowboarder or weekend warrior trade that for playing around on a board with no bindings?
It is a niche, clearly
I don’t think anyone is trying to convince the snowboarding world otherwise. Powsurfing is for the minority, snowboarders close to the hill, snowboarders putting more time on the board. Probably. The lucky ones that get to ride more powder than the rest of us.
I think it’s awesome – I watch it and smile, everytime. I certainly don’t begrudge them. I’m just running the process through in my head.
And what about you? What’s your take on this? Do you like the look of it? Who is powdersurfing for? You?
I’ll finish this off with another video. This is the teaser for a series of short films that are going to be released: “The Powsurf Chronicles”.