It feels strange admitting that, but it’s true. Normally, each year when the shops start to get their new gear in and the first WhiteLines Friday Fix makes its way to my inbox – I’m counting the days until my first snow.

But not this year. That’s mostly due to the fact that I’ve got nothing planned yet, nothing to look forward to. I’m fairly confident that I’ll be shredding some real snow this coming season, but I don’t know when or where. Nothing’s planned.

I am however, working on my snowboarding muscles as planned. So when opportunity calls, I’m ready!

The summer (if you can call it that) seems to have passed in a flash. I’ve been spending time dealing with things at work and home. A lot of boring stuff that you don’t want to do: diy, re-mortgaging, cars. Pap.

I’m still thinking about the ‘summer’ sessions that I’d like to get in at Cas and the ‘fax; maybe learn a trick or two before my next holiday. My back still hurts from those slams I took. My most local skate park looks like it’s being extended; I think there’s going to be a mini-ramp. I’ve only just gotten around to looking at the footage from Fernie, and burning it onto DVDs for Simon. Where did the summer go?

I did get around to writing a review for the World Snowboard Guide: the Chill FactorE indoor slope. There’s also a few sessions from earlier on that were good, both skating and snowboarding, and a little footage that’s worth a peak.

But it’s coming and that’s that. I need to snowboard again. I need a new snowboard. I need to think about the possibility of an early season camp. I need to work out what I can afford for next season. I need to get my act together and get ready!

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