Well I’ve been back for a little over a week now, so what have I been doing?
First up, I wanted to post all of the daily entries from the trip, and, after sorting through a bunch of photos, I’ve retrospectively added some pictures to go along with what happened each day. It felt a little strange adding these posts after I’d returned home, but still, I enjoy having the diary-style entries for my snowboarding trips, and now they’re there.
I definitely missed having an Internet connection in the accommodation.
I’ve started to stream some of the video. There isn’t loads, but a few tapes can take some time. I don’t know about you guys, but when I stream video of myself/friends, I make small, individual clips direct from the raw tape. I find the editting much easier this way, and it serves as a first filter for anything that’s not worth looking at. The downside is that it takes longer…
I took a dictaphone with me to help with the wsg review, so I’ve been busy taking the notes from that, making sure I haven’t missed anything. As far as the review goes, my plan is simply to take one resort at a time and work my way through. I wonder how long it will take? Once all the work’s done, I’ll reflect on how well the process mixed with a ‘holiday’.
We’ve also watched quite a bit of tv, well, tv series’ actually; I don’t have a licence for regular tv. Just before we left for Morzine, Ciara and I finished watching season 1 of Jericho… season 2 was promptly purchased the day we returned. If you haven’t seen Jericho, I strongly recommend it, it’s awesome. Since then, Battlestar season 4 and the first season of The Wire. I’m not sure where this surge came from, but it’s been good.
Work. It took all of the first morning back to feel like I hadn’t been away. I guess reality hits back pretty quick.
And what about more snowboarding this season? Well, I’m hoping to set something up, maybe a week in Switzerland, but nothing is definite. Shame…