Saturday was an excellent day: the session at Halifax was great. But it didn’t start out that way. To be honest, in the beginning it was somewhat of a test!
You see, the main lift was off; not working. This meant using the smaller lift which is way more inconvenient. You gotta unstrap a lot more and it’s simply not as good. Also, with the sun and the wind, the slope was really dry, so really slow. Add to that the look of the place, which is a little shabby, and we were thinking why have we driven two hours for this?
But that changed. The run-in to the main kicker always seems to be better than that of the smaller kicker, so once we started hitting that, things improved. Martin produced his new camera too; it was met by oohs and ahhs and juiced things up a little.
It wasn’t a particularly long session but it was good. I haven’t ridden for a while and I wanted to spend some more time working on backside 1s. I still don’t think I’m hitting the jump with enough speed, but it’s coming. Towards the end I was definitely more comfortable with more speed, which was a nice improvement.
Of course it’s one of those things where hitting it with more speed actually makes things easier: you’ve got more time in the air to do stuff and you land farther down the landing where it’s steeper. Try just telling yourself that though! It might work for other people but not with me… I think I need to build up to it.
I also wanna start getting more comfortable with backside 3s (and maybe even 5s) – but on Saturday I was happy enough progressing with the 180s. Just keep hitting it over and over, trying to make it feel natural. I experimented with a couple of different grabs and also attempted to bone the front leg out. Some of it was successful, some of it wasn’t. But I was learning for sure.
We capped things off sitting at the bottom of slope, just chilling out. Two good friends and the mossy snowflex hill to ourselves – it turned out pretty well!
I was well impressed with Martin’s new camera – the pictures are awesome. He’s uploaded them to Picasa but I don’t think I can embed his album, so I’ve duplicated it in my area. Maybe I’m missing something?